In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark Page 25
Lewis and Clark Trail Committee (Missouri), 151
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. (1970), 151, 159
Lewis and Clark trail markers. See Auto tourism
Lewis-Clark Highway (U.S. 12), 102, 104, 124, 132
Lewis-Clark Memorial Gardens (Lewiston, Idaho), 112
Lewis-Clark State College (Lewiston, Idaho), 112
Lewis, Meriwether, 44, 85; eating reconstituted soup, 83–84; at Gates of the Mountains, 59; goes ahead to search for Shoshone, 61–62; Great Falls of the Missouri description, 55–57; and “Great Man” view of history, 79; gunshot wound, 75; historical significance, 1; iron boat, 58; Marias River fracas, 160; Marias River marker, 30; monuments to, 27–28, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41; North Dakota upland description by, 52; portrayed by Hollywood, 107–108; portrayed in pageant, 119–121; represented in Portland exposition emblem, 15; on Sacagawea, 20–21; statue at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 18; takes separate route east from Traveler’s Rest, 73–74; Touchet River description, 70; travel down Ohio River, 5, 43; White Cliffs description, 54, 55
“Lewis N. Clark,” 11
Lewis, Peirce, 164–165
Lewiston, Idaho: Chamber of Commerce, 98; expedition at Snake-Clearwater river confluence, 65, 70–71, 102, 112; Lewis and Clark Hotel 112, 116; Lewis-Clark Highway, 98–99, 105, 126; local names commemorating Lewis and Clark, 112; railroad survey, 81; scalp dance, 116; sesquicentennial events, 124–126; Wheeler expedition access to Lolo Trail, 84
Lewistown (Montana), 104
Lexington (Missouri), 44
Life Magazine, 150
Lilenthal, Edward T., 162
Lincoln Highway, 93–94
Lincoln Highway Association, 93–94
Lincoln (Montana), 74
Lincoln Park (San Francisco), 93
Lion, Henry, 37
Lisa, Manuel. See Fort Manuel Lisa
Little Big Horn, Battle of, 78
Little Goose Dam, 65
Little Missouri River, 52, 74
Little Muddy Creek, 52
Little Rocky Mountains, 54
Livingston (Montana), 36, 52, 72, 135, 157
Lochsa River and canyon: Lewis and Clark expedition problems with, 64, 82; Lewis-Clark Highway along, 102–104, 105, 126; and Wheeler expedition, 83
Lolo country, 60
Lolo Creek (“Travelers Rest Creek”), 63–64, 71, 81; Wheeler expedition, 84
Lolo Hot Springs (also Boyle’s Hot Springs), 64, 71, 81–82
Lolo (Montana), 63, 104, 123, 167
Lolo Motorway (Forest Road 500): auto tourists retracing route, 100, 103; construction of, 99–100; Gray on, 101–102; and Lolo Trail, 87, 100; rough forest road, 168; Snyder on, 103; view from, 100
Lolo National Forest, 87
Lolo Pass: DAR plaque, 86; expedition descent from, 104; and Forest Road 500, 99; Lewis-Clark Highway, 64, 103, 105, 126; location on Lolo Trail, 80; Mullan on, 80; Satterfield account, 157; sesquicentennial activities, 123; wagon road, 87
Lolo Pass Interpretive Center, 167
Lolo Trail: Camp Choppunish delay, 85; crossing (westward), 70; DAR plaque on, 86; expedition descent from, 104; hot springs on expedition return, 81; Indian Post Office, 87; and Lewis-Clark Highway, 126; Lolo Motorway route, 87, 100, 100; Nez Perce used, 80; Peebles locating Lewis and Clark route, 88; Shoshone guide (Old Toby), 64; snow on, 71; from Traveler’s Rest, 63; wagon road, 87; from Wendover Ridge, 64
Loma (Montana), 55, 99
Long Beach (Washington), 68
Long Camp (Camp Choppunish): DeCamp photograph of site, 84–85; expedition at 70–71, 72, 104; Wheeler expedition, 84
Long Narrows (on the Columbia River), 66–67
Longview (Washington), 68
Lookout Pass, 80
Lopez, Charles, 18
Lost Colony. See Roanoke
Lost Trail Pass, 62, 63, 88
Louisiana Purchase, 119, 145
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, 1904), 16–18, 99, 114
Lowell (Idaho), 104
Lower Brulé Indian Reservation (South Dakota), 48
Lower Granite Dam, 65
Macey (Nebraska), 47
MacFarlane, Robert, 111
MacGilvra, E. E. “Boo,” 146, 152
MacKaye, Percy, 114–115
MacMurray, Fred, 107
Madison River, 59, 112
Magnuson, Warren, 125–126
Maine, state of, 17, 94
Malmstrom Air Force Base (near Great Falls, Montana), 58
Mandan (Native American tribe), 2, 40, 50, 53
Mandan (North Dakota), 50, 98
Mandan Villages (North Dakota), 44, 47, 50–51, 120, 176(n20)
Manifest Destiny, xii, 2, 8, 19, 23
Mansfield, Mike, 152
Marias camp, 55
Marias River, 30, 55, 74, 97; fracas on, 160
Marthasville (Missouri), 44
Matthews, Dr. Washington, 23
Maudlin, Billy, 113
Maudlin, Clark, and his wife, 113, 116–117
McBeth, Sally, 21–22, 172(n19)
McCall, Laura, 21
McClellan Ferry, 54
McLean County Historical Society (North Dakota), 157
McNary Dam, 141
Meeker, Ezra, 77–78; journeys over Oregon Trail by wagon, automobile, and aircraft, 176(n1)
Memaloose Island, 85
Memorials, xi–xii, 26, 36–37; markers, 87, 98, 113, 125, 165; plaques, 25, 27, 27, 36, 115, 149
Memory: and history, 3–4; Lewis and Clark in public memory, 7, 10–11, 29; national memory, 6; vernacular, 162
Midway Park (Charlottesville, Virginia), 28
Miles City (Montana), 73
Milk River, 53
Miller, Jack R., 130, 150
Minataree. See Hidatsa
Minot (North Dakota), 96
Mishell, Jenny, 33
Mississippi River, 12–13, 114; change in bed, 135–136
Mississippi River Trail, 149
Missoula Automobile Dealers Association, 123
Missoula (Montana): expedition back to Traveler’s Rest, 73; and expedition route, 102; Kiwanis Club, 122; sesquicentennial pageants and activities, 117–118, 122, 125, 160; stagecoach to Lolo Hot Springs, 82; State Highway 200, 54, 104, 105; Traveler’s Rest south of, 123; and Van Arsdol survey, 81; wagon road from Pierce (Idaho), 87
Missouri Basin, flooding, 137
Missouri Breaks, 54
Missouri Headwaters State Park, 112–113, 159–160
Missouri Historical Expedition (1925), 30
Missouri River, 12, 22, 48, 54, 71; archeological sites, 144; Big Bend of, 48; Big Falls of, 56; bottomland, 132–133, 134; confluence with Yellowstone, 52, 73; course of in Missouri, 44; determining main stem at the Marias confluence, 55; environmental concerns and preservation projects, 140, 155–156; expedition camp sites on, 6; floods and changes, 135–137; Fort Benton, 103; Fort Mandan, 51, 120; fur trade on, 33; Gates of the Mountains, 58–59, 59; and Gray’s journey, 101–102; Great Falls of, 51, 56, 56–57, 74, 97; headwaters of, 21, 37, 58–60, 60, 113, 119–121; and highways, 99, 125; Medicine River mouth, 58; at Mobridge (South Dakota), 26, 96, 104; mouth of, 126; pesticides, 182(n2); portage to Columbia River, 43; as recreation area, 150, 152, 155–156, 166–167, 184(n43); reservoirs, 111–112; rivers entering in Dakotas, 50; road access, 142–143; upper Missouri region, 86; Upper Missouri Wild and Scenic River, 54, 55; vegetation, 44–46; White Bear Islands, 58; White Cliffs, 55, 80
Missouri River Basin Project (1944), 138
Missouri (state), 131, 148; county Lewis and Clark committees, 125–126, 151
Mobridge (South Dakota), 26, 49, 96, 103–104
Model T (Henry Ford’s automobile), 92–93
Montana Federation of Women’s Clubs, 25
Montana Governor’s Commission, 36
Montana Highway Department, 145
Montana Historical Society, 152
Montana legislature, 34, 37
; Montana Lewis and Clark Trail Committee, 2, 125, 145–146
Montana Power Company, 133
Montana (state), 33, 62, 80, 83, 123, 152; Armstead 1915 pageant, 115; attempts to establish heroic-size statues of Lewis and Clark, 34–38, 39; Bear Paw battleground, 33; Big Hole Valley, 62; Bitterroot Mountains, 80; buffalo country, 80; Camp Fortunate, 62; capitol murals, 83; Clark’s party crosses Continental Divide going east, 62; commemoration of Lewis and Clark, 5–6; DAR, 25, 27, 115; eastern, 45, 49, 138, 142, 151; expedition route, 52–54, 88, 168; Fort Peck Dam and Reservoir, 53, 138; and Gateway Arch dedication, 146; Gibbons Pass, 62; Gray (Ralph) auto trip along trail, 101–103; Great Falls Interpretive Center, 167; Great Falls of the Missouri River, 12, 55–58, 56, 61, 74, 97, 133, 157; Hansen pageants, 117–123, 159–160; Helena parade for Lewis and Clark centennial, 20; high plains vegetation, 45; highways, 54, 96–97; Lemhi Pass, 148; Lewis and Clark centennial, 38, 39; Lewis and Clark highways designated, 145; Lewis and Clark National Trail Commission, 131; Lewis and Clark sesquicentennial, 38, 108, 112, 126; Lolo Creek, 81; Lolo Pass Interpretive Center, 167; Lost Trail Pass, 62; north-central, 54; Marias River, 30; and Missouri River, 52–54, 184(n43); Montana Trail Committee, 145; National Historic Landmark, 148; Northern Pacific Railway, 78; parkland donation to at the Three Forks, 113; portage site donated to, 149; Sacagawea “unsung heroine” of, 25; Saindon articles on Lewis and Clark sites, 151; shift in means for commemoration, 5–6; southwestern valleys, 61; state centennial, 38–39; State Highway 200, 54; state line with Idaho, 123; state line with North Dakota, 96; state recreation waterways, 184(n43); and U.S. bicentennial, 38; version of Sacagawea’s death, 22; western, 88, 133; and Yellowstone River, 52–53, 62, 168; Yellowstone Trail Association, 94
Montana State Highway Commission, 116
Montana Study (the), 117–118
Monuments and statuary, xi; Armstead, 27; Astoria Column, 29–30, 31, 32; Camp Fortunate, 34; Clark statue and bronze bust for grave marker, 18; Floyd memorial, 101; and folk images, 37–38; Fort Benton, 37–38, 39; Fort Clatsop National Monument legislation, 111; Great Falls, 34, 36, 38; Historical Society of the Rocky Mountains, 8; Keck statue (Virginia), 28–29; Lewis and Clark column in Washington Park, Portland, 23, 28; Lewis and Clark grave markers, 27; Lewis and Clark Memorial Association, 37, 98; Lewis statue at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 18; Montana’s early attempts at Lewis and Clark statue 34–37; public interest in, 26–28, 38; Sacagawea first depicted with Lewis and Clark, 28; Sacajawea statue (Bird Woman) in Washington Park, Portland, 24, 25, 26; Sacagawea statues, number of, 19; St. Louis, 146; Seaside (Oregon), 26, 33, 35, 36; sesquicentennial, 5, 38; shift in mode of commemoration, 4, 40–41; site competition among Montana cities, 34–38; state and federal historical markers, 165; women’s suffrage movement, 23–27. See also Memorials
Moreau River, 44, 50
Moreno, Jacob, 117
Mormon Trail, 149, 153
Morrison, Samuel Elliot, 30
Mosquitoes, 58
Mount Adams (Washington), 69
Mount Hood (Oregon), 69
Mount Rainier (Washington), 69
Mount St. Helens (Washington), 69
Mulford, Ralph, 92
Mullan, John, 8, 10, 80
Mullan Pass, 81
Mullan Trail, 8
Multicultural views, 163
Multnomah Falls, 68, 95
Multnomah River, 69
Museum of Westward Expansion (St. Louis), 146
Myth: national, 2–4; of the West, 11
Mythical fame, 9–11
Narrows, the (of the Columbia River), 85
Nashville, Tennessee, 16
Natchez Trace Trail, 153
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 23
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 133
National Conference on State Parks, 132
National Congress of American Indians, 161
National Defense Interstate Highway, 91; program, 104
National Geographic Magazine, 101, 135
National Highways Association, 176(n1)
National Historic Landmark (official category), 113, 148
National Historic Place (official category), 152
National Historic Trail and Travelway (official category), 153–155, 159
National identity, 1
National Lewis and Clark Commission. See Lewis and Clark National Trail Commission
National Old Trails Road (later Route 66), 94
National Park Service, 125, 132; archeologist (Caywood), 110; and Floyd’s grave monument, 173(n38); Fort Clatsop Interpretive Center established, 127; Jefferson National Expansion Memorial established, 145–146; Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail administered by, 166–167
National parks, 5; highway, 37
National Scenic Trail (official category), 152–153, 159
National Tourway, 125–126
National Trails network (or system), 149, 152
National Trails System Act (1968), 6, 149
National Wild Scenic River System, 156
National Wildlife Federation, 130
Native Americans, xii; enlistment in pageants, 115–116; response to Lewis and Clark bicentennial, 160–161; traders, 51
Nebraska (state): auto tourism (early) on Lewis and Clark route, 96; Chief Blackbird’s grave near Macey, 47; “Council Bluffs” site, 135; cross-country auto journey (1903), 91; expedition to mouth of Platte River, 46; Fort Manuel Lisa and Sacagawea, 22; Hamburg Bend Wildlife Management Area, 155; Lewis and Clark National Trail Commission, 131; Lewis and Clark Trail Committee of, 145; Lincoln Highway, 93; National Wild Scenic River System, 156; sesqui-centennial and, 126; Sioux Indians, 48–49; vegetation on Missouri River, 45–46
Netul River. See Lewis and Clark River
Neuberger, Richard, 110
New York City, 91–93
New York (state), 17, 28, 93–94
New York Times, 108
Nez Perce (Native American tribe): Bearpaw battleground, 33; called Choppunish by Lewis and Clark, 64; expedition saved from starvation, 2, 84; and expedition’s horses, 70–71; hunting area, 64–65; Lewis and Clark first encounter with, 142; Lolo Trail use, 63, 80, 82; Peebles aided by, 86; scalp dance at pageant, 116; as scouts, 71, 73–74; sesquicentennial pageant and encampment, 116, 124; Space (Ralph) and, 87
Nez Perce National Historical Park
(Spalding, Idaho), 145, 167
Ninepipe, Adolph, 123
Niobrara Formation, 47
Niobrara River, 47
Nixon, Nick, 159
Nixon, Richard, 144
Nora, Pierre, 3–4, 162
North Dakota Highway Department, perimeter road numbering, 143
North Dakota (state), 96–97, 125; Burkett follows route by water, 136; expedition’s arrival at confluence of Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, 74–75; Fort Mandan Interpretive Center, 167; Fort Mandan site affected by river, 135; Garrison Dam, 138; Gray (Ralph) on, 101; Hidatsa village, 21; Highway Department and numbering, 143; Highway 12 Association, 104; Indians affected by Pick-Sloan project, 139; Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, 131; Lewis and Clark Trail Committee of, 145; Lewis-Clark Highway (and a proposed) Lewis and Clark Highway, 104; Mandan Villages, 44; pageant at University of North Dakota, 115; return to St. Louis of part of company, 44; Sacagawea statue in Bismarck, 26; Sioux Indians, 48–49; Yates documentary film, 133
North Dakota State Outdoor Recreation Agency, 150
Northern Pacific Railway: Astoria Column dedication, 30; Columbia River Historical Expedition, 30; and public interest in Lewis and Clark, 7; sesquicentennial publications, 111–112, 135; special train trips to monument and other sites, 33; Wheeler as travel publicist for, 78, 80; Van Arsdol as surveyer for, 81, 84; Yellowstone National Park, 89
Northern Plains (U. S. region), 5, 126
Northern Plains Indians, 53, 114, 140
Northwest. See Pacific Northwest
Northwest Passage (Lewis and Clark’s trip), 119
Northwest Sesquicentennial Organizing Committee, 112, 125
Noseeum Meadows, 87
Nugent, Walter, 129–130
Oahe Dam and Lake: Arikara villages covered, 103; expedition encounter with Teton Sioux near, 48, 139; Gray (Ralph) at, 101; locations spared from inundation, 156; Pick-Sloan project, 138; poor compensation for tribe’s losses, 140
Ocean to Ocean Highway. See Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway
Office of Public Road Inquiry, 92
Ohio River and Valley, 5, 43, 48
Old Court House (St. Louis), 143
Old Spanish Trail, 94
Old Toby, 63, 123; his trail, 63, 123
Olds Motor Company and curved-dash Oldsmobile, 92
Omaha (Nebraska), 16, 46, 138
Ordway, John, 71; journal, 88
Oregon Arts Commission, 147
Oregon Country, 10, 19, 29
Oregon Dream (play), 147–148
Oregon Historical Society, 33, 34, 110
Oregon Railway and Navigation Company (OR&N), 81
Oregon Short Line Railroad, 25
Oregon (state): archeological site, 110, 111; Astoria bridge with Washington, 69; Biddle-Allen edition of expedition history, 10; commemorative sites, 96, 109, 145, 167; emigrants from Platte River, 46; Fort Clatsop replica, 109–111, 111, 144; legislation to establish Fort Clatsop as a national monument, 110–111; Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, 131, 142; Lewis and Clark 1905 Portland Exposition, 17, 23; Mount Hood, 69; Nez Perce, 64; National Park Service interpretive center at Fort Clatsop, 127; Oregon Arts Commission, 147; Oregon Lewis and Clark Trail Advisory Committee, 147; public attitudes and interest in expedition, 6; on route of cross country auto tour, 91; sesquicentennial celebrations, 6, 108, 112, 126, 136, 145
Oregon State Highway Commission, 33
Oregon Trail, 77, 149, 153, 176(n1)
Oregon Trail Memorial Association, 176(n1)
Original Hickory Stick Club, 26
Orofino (Idaho), 65–66, 86, 145
Osage River, 44
Osgood, Ernest Staples, 10
Oto (Native American tribe), 46–47
“Our national epic,” 2, 18, 171(n5)
Out West: An American Journey. See Duncan, Dayton
Out West Magazine, 12
Overland Monthly, 12
Pacific Crest Trail, 6, 149, 153
Pacific Fur Company, 29
Pacific Northwest (U.S. region): Astoria Column activities, 29; Columbia River Scenic Highway, 95; dams, 140–141; commemoration of Lewis and Clark, 1, 26; interpretive centers, 167; Lewis and Clark Memorial Association, 97; Lewis and Clark 1905 Portland exposition, 15; Lewis and Clark trail, 168; Northern Pacific Railway route to, 78; public interest in expedition, 10, 112, 126, 168; sesquicentennial, 125, 131; tourism and highways, 5; Wheeler mapping in, 86; Yellowstone Trail Association, 94–95, 99